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Art stuff that I've done for various assignments and to express thoughts.

Tom Sawyer

I did this one in the pixel editor of the Multi Media Fusion game engine and felt like keeping it. Always been quite fascinated by the Mark Twain stories.

Cpt. Addeman

Beside here are some screenshots from my first complete, though small, game. It's about a pirate that starts on an unknown island and has to travel by boat to the other two islands to gather gold to be able to enter the third and last Volcano Island and defeat the crude hook-throwing Crocorate!

Tribal Sparrow of Will

Left here is a sparrow I did while thinking of ideas for tattoos.


It is supposed to symbolise to be small but still stuborn and flying against the wind, to symbolise strong will.

Elektronen Logo

A youth club had a contest to make a logo for them, and this is what I came up with. The name of the club is "Elektronen" meaning "the electron" in swedish. 

Rabbit Man

When I first got my hands on Photoshop, this is the product. Think we had a little intern contest in the class to make something as funny as possible.

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